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Artificial grass Industry has grown Rapidly in few past years We all can see why Artificial lawn has great advantages as we all know.
After years of experience in Synthetic grass installation and talking to thousand’s of home Owners and business owners listening to there experience.
We found there is a room we can improve in some fields especially for dog And Pet owners, homeowners and commercial Property owners. After 5 years of R&D And Wagers testing we have been able to come up with Great solutions Which pet owners Will take Advantage From.

Bounce Back Technology
Listening to Dog owners gave us a very precise understanding of what kind of problems they were facing in order to grow a real lawn.one of the great reasons we found is high foot traffic and dog run track. Dogs like to Dig & run on same spot every times and Pet owners found themself in constantly try to regrow there lawn Preventing Bold or Flattening effect.
So We kept this in mind and hit the drawing board And addressed this Head on. Then We discovered that Making the yarn With Precise Shape Curls And Special Formulated yarn gave the Artificial grass more resilient than the conventional artificial grass. After doing hard Testing and R&D We found Great results Which Homeowners And Commercial Business owners take advantage of high Traffic areas. With Bounce Back Technology utilise this groundbreaking Natural Look ensures that your lawn will look as realistic as possible, from every angle.
Also By Interlocking Yarn So well, it made Artificial grass cleaning a breeze.Specially For Dog poo, to stay on top Of the lawn So it’s easy to clean Artificial grass With bounce back Technology.
Remember the old saying 2 birds one stone.
Enviro Cool Technology
Closely Listening to Our Customers We found the common Issue With Artificial grass is retaining heat on a hot day .Artificial lawn, the plastic fibres could become hot to touch and uncomfortable to walk on.
However, our revolutionary Enviro Cool Technology ensures your lawn remains cooler by reflecting and dissipating the heat into the atmosphere; leaving your grass feeling as good as it looks.We found Enviro cool 23% Cooler than Conventional artificial grass.
Choose an artificial grass with Enviro Cool Technology to ensure your lawn stays protected from the sun’s uv harmful rays.
There for few Benefits we found After Implementing these technologies.
1, Tuff construction made this Lawn Is the Most durable and versatile lawn In Australia.
2, Bounceback technology made the yarn more resilient it can withstand the wiggers use and high traffic areas which is most suitable for dog owners and commercial applications.
3, Extra Drainage System Is specially design for Hygiene in Mind.
4, Interlocking of yarns make this lawn easy to clean Animal Waste.
5, No Sheen
6, With our integration Of triple baking system Tuff Turf Just got tuffer.
7, 10 years Lifetime Warranty
8, Most natural Aesthetic Appeal Yet.
9, Non-directional Artificial lawn Looks Natural From Every angle.
By Introducing these New Advancements we found the Rhino lawn is tuffest Artificial Lawn in Australia,
Tuff Lawn Just got smarter!
Rhino Lawn is Suitable for you if
1,If you Have Pets And Dogs.
2,If you have residential or commercial Lawn Area
3,High traffic area.
4,Wants to look most natural as it can for front yard of the back yard.
5,If you have a large traffic area needs high wear and tare.
6, if you have a rooftop and balcony area
7, If you have school Or daycare lawn Areas
If you like to Learn more about rhino lawn Call us today And book for free Quote 0426046485 Our helpfull staff will be happy to help.
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