Artificial Lawn Ashfield 0426046485
Are you looking for Artificial Lawn Ashfield then you have come to the right place WA Turf Gurus profession Artificial Lawn local business offering great products and services for you.wa turf gurus are artificial lawn specialistcompany in WA.
By far our one of the most popular Artificial Grass in Ashfield Denmark spring.Blades of plush green grass on top with stunning sun-kissed strands of browner grass underneath gives this beautiful turf a super realistic look.
This grass was developed to combat the harsh climate of Ashfield and have a natural spring appearance with a thick and plush texture that’s soft to touch.Suitable for both small and large areas our Denmark Spring turf will look great in both full sun and shaded areas.With its C-shaped blades and low sheen, this grass looks fantastic next to pavement and limestone and will be a welcome addition to any front or back yard.
Chack out our full range of Synthetic turf Perth
Over a few years, the Artificial lawn will pay for its self. As a homeowner .you instantly start to reduce your water bills and free up all of that time from mowing, fertilizing and weeding your lawn. Our synthetic lawn is now more affordable than ever.
So wherever you’re located in Ashfield give us a call today for a great price on your new range ofArtificial Lawn.
our .Any earthworks required? – We can arrange that for you too, bobcat, depending on access we will quote you on the cheaper option
Call us today on 0426 046 485.